SMA Commercial Energy Solution​

Manage and distribute solar energy

Manage business loads intelligently

Systematic energy management

Cooling systems, ventilation, lighting and other mechanical loads: SMA Commercial Energy Solution​ combines all the energy flows in your company to create a single, all-encompassing system – and already today makes controlling possible across all energy sectors. As a result, you can actively shape certain elements of your energy supply, and soon you will be able to manage them intelligently. This helps you optimize consumption and achieve your ambitious environmental targets.

Optimally coordinate all energy flows

Here is how it works: SMA Data Manager M monitors and analyzes all the system components and energy flows 24/7. On this basis, you can implement specific measures designed to optimize energy usage – manually or, in the near future, automatically. Replace old devices that consume too much power. Avoid load peaks by starting various operational machines at different times.


Up to 50% lower energy costs

In the near future
increase self-consumption of solar power through intelligent energy management

In the near future
harmonize and automatically control energy flows to avoid load peaks

One contact person for large parts of your energy supply


The basis: your SMA Commercial Energy Solution​
including PV modules, SMA Sunny Tripower CORE1, SMA Sunny Tripower Storage 60 (optional), SMA Storage Business (optional)

SMA Data Manager M

energy manager that operates in conjunction with SMA Monitoring and is responsible for communication and overall system monitoring

SMA Monitoring

easy and efficient online monitoring of your SMA Energy System

SMA Energy Meter

monitoring of all energy flows

Service and product availability may vary from country to country.

Application example

Managing SMA Commercial Energy Solution​ optimally and avoiding load peaks

  • 04:30

    It is early in the morning and it is all go in the industrial bakery, where the ovens have to be fired up. The PV system is not yet supplying power. This means that a large amount of grid power has to be purchased in addition. A load peak is imminent – and that can become expensive.

  • 04:30

    The solution: The SMA Commercial Energy Solution in combination with the SMA Storage Solution ensures that load peaks are avoided.

  • 09:00

    Late in the morning, the PV system provides more solar power than is needed for operations. The surplus power is temporarily stored in the battery-storage systems for later use, rather than being fed into the grid.

  • 18:30

    It is all go once again in the evening. Lots of appliances – cooling systems, ventilation, lights and so on – are in operation and another load peak is imminent because the PV system is no longer providing sufficient power. But the battery-storage systems are fully charged and so can be used for powering the appliances. No power – or, at the very least, less power – has to be purchased. After all, it is still very expensive at this time.

  • 23:00

    Late in the evening, the battery-storage systems are empty and the PV system cannot supply any more solar power either. But fortunately, the power tariffs are affordable – something that your SMA Commercial Energy Solution​ took into account at the planning stage. This means that your appliances can procure low-cost power from the utility grid.

SMA Data Manager M

The brain of SMA Commercial Energy Solution​


Together with the Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS, the SMA Data Manager M is the central system of your SMA Commercial Energy Solution​.

SMA Data Manager M


  • It monitors all energy flows in your company.

  • Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS supplies it with additional information such as a weather forecast and time-based electricity supply tariffs and, on this basis, creates a deployment schedule.

  • All energy flows are coordinated and controlled so that as much solar power as possible is consumed and expensive load peaks are avoided.

Further applications of the SMA Commercial Energy Solution

Generate solar power and use it effective

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Store solar power and use it flexibly

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Grid independence with solar power

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You want more information?

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Download our SMA Commercial Energy Solution brochure here.

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